1. 山东省自然科学基金2024-ICESat-2 激光雷达辅助的无控制点多光谱水深反演研究;
2. 自然资源部海洋测绘重点实验室基金-多光谱光学遥感高精度水深反演方法研究;
3. 国家重点研发计划子课题,极地海冰区声学特性研究与信息传输技术-极区海域水声环境观测与声场特性研究;
4. 地理信息工程国家重点实验室基金-基于高分辨率遥感卫星影像的浅海水深探测技术研究;
5. 国家重点实验室基金-多光谱遥感浅海水深反演算法对比分析;
6. 国家重点实验室基金-海岛(礁)周边透光层浅海水深反演方法研究;
7. 横向-星载激光雷达系统性能仿真与数据反演软件;
8. 横向-关于气溶胶激光雷达数据产品与Calipso激光雷达软件开发。
代表性论文1, 2024.10, Bathymetry Retrieval Without In-Situ Depth Using an ICESat-2 Assisted Dual-Band Model, 1/8, SCI;
代表性论文2,2023.8, A Slope-Assisted Back Propagation Method for Bathymetric Mapping, IEEE Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing, Vol. 61, 2023, 1/6, SCI, 一区;
代表性论文3,2022.8, Shallow Water Bathymetry Retrieval by Optical Remote Sensing Based on Depth-Invariant Index and Location Features, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 1/9, SCI;
代表性论文4, 2021.12, An APMLP Deep Learning Model for Bathymetry Retrieval Using Adjacent Pixels, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 1/7, SCI;
代表性论文5,2021.10, Determination of the Initial Value Ranges of Nonlinear Solutions for a Log Ratio Bathymetric Inversion Model and Bathymetry Retrieval, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8/8, SCI, 唯一通讯;
代表性论文6, 2021.04, XGBoost算法在多光谱遥感浅海水深反演中的应用, 海洋科学, 中文核心,通讯;
代表性论文7,2021.03, 水体透明度两种半分析反演模型的对比与分析,海洋科学, 中文核心, 通讯;
代表性论文8, 2020, Determine the Stumpf 2003 Model Parameters for Multispectral Remote Sensing Shallow Water Bathymetry, Journal of Coastal Research,1/7, SCI;
代表性论文9,2016, Horizontal wind velocity retrieval using a Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm for an airborne wind lidar, Journal of applied remote sensing, 1/3, SCI;
代表性论文10,2008, Relationship between the aerosol scattering ratio and temperature of atmosphere and the sensitivity of a Doppler wind lidar with iodine filter, Chinese Optics Letters, 1/5, SCI;